Ink Painting

Liu Bingheng (1915-2003), Zi Pingzhi, from Panyu, Guangdong Province, graduated from Guangzhou Municipal Art School. Chinese painter and artist in the United States. He was a later member of the Guangdong Chinese Painting Research Society Liu Bingheng (1915-2003) and a later member of the Guangdong Chinese Painting Research Society.
He is flat, born in Panyu, Guangdong, and graduated from Guangzhou Municipal Art School. As for his role in the Guangdong Traditional Painting Research Society, few people seem to know it; as for his position in the history of modern Cantonese painting, there is not enough knowledge in academia. The author occasionally saw his masterpieces in the auction, but he knows very little about his art. Recently, his family and disciples donated their paintings and calligraphy works to the Guangdong Provincial Museum, and Yu participated in his work to gain an understanding of his life and the outline of his art. [1]
Liu Bingheng is a very traditional painter with a family history. His ancestral home was in the southwestern city of Jiangxi. His grandfather hired Zhai Taishi to go to Guangdong to serve as the governor of Qiongzhou, Guangdong. My grandfather had two sons, his eldest son was not known, and he lived in Shanghai for painting and calligraphy; his second son, Liu Yi, was a tester and married the elder sister of Taishi Dingren, and then borrowed from Panyu. Liu Yiyu has five sons, the eldest son Liu Qingsong, the word hired Sun, the number is Liuan, also known as Liugong, Ping Seng, and is longer than the seal, and is also called "Shuangjie" with Huang Shiling. His disciples Shi Jianru, Hu Yisheng, Chen Xiezhi, Shen Yangong, Xie Yingbo , Du Zhipao, He Xiufeng, Zhang Zhentu, Ling Juchuan are all celebrities in modern calligraphy and painting or academia, such as "Yiyinzhai Seal Carving", "Mincer Collection" and "Haishu Collection"; the five son Liu Qinghua is the father of Liu Bingheng, He graduated from the Guangxi Dialect School and served as a professor at the Law and Political College. Brother Liu Bingheng Liu Yulin followed Deng Ergao's calligraphy and seal cutting, and he often participated in various calligraphy and painting collections in Guangzhou at that time with his father, and asked the Guangdong Chinese Painting Research Association for help.
2 Life Edit
Liu Bingheng studied painting with Pan Zhizhong and Zhang Guchu at an early age, and studied painting from Yao Suruo.
He entered the Guangzhou Municipal Academy of Fine Arts to study at the age of eighteen. He graduated from the Anti-Japanese War and graduated to save the country. He went to Nanyang to assist in relief work. Afterwards, he was pursued by Japanese invaders and hid the desert mountains of Sumatra for three years. After peace, he lived in Hong Kong, concentrated on literature and art, devoted himself to the study of landscape paintings, especially drunken Yuanren's pen and ink, blending the directors of the four schools, and innovating with the changes of the four monks in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the subtlety of Wang Shigu. The painting has a broad appearance and excellent brushstrokes, and uses the freehand brushwork of the eight major mountain people to create Liu Jian's simple landscapes, high realm, poetic connotation, and post-painting sentences. Every time you draw a pen, the position of the white is just right, and the calligraphy is beautiful. Be vulgar, look at the poems of his articles, the content of Mao Mao, Wen Chunzheng, the art of discussion, Yan Minggangzheng, the short prose, elegant and elegant. [1]
3 Precious Donation Editor
As the largest archives in the country-Guangzhou City
Donation ceremony
The new building of the archives just opened on December 28, 2012. In the past less than a month, on January 24, it once again became the focus of attention of major news media. The widow of American artist Liu Bingheng transferred Dr. Ma Chengkuan, a disciple of Liu Bingheng, to donate a total of 360 personal works and collections to the National Archives of Guangzhou. When Ma Chengkuan received the collection certificate from the vice mayor of Guangzhou City, Gong Erzhen, these batches of files had an "official account" in the Guangzhou National Archives, which also added to the collection of the new Guangzhou Museum. How do the personal archives of Chinese-American painters living in the United States float across the ocean and settle in the National Archives in their hometown of Guangzhou? To this end, the reporter interviewed Dr. Ma Chengkuan, a disciple of Liu Bingheng, and He Wuai, director of the Guangzhou Archives Bureau.
Sanjue Painter
Dr. Ma Chengkuan, who contributed to this donation, has a ruddy complexion, a spirit of humor, and long, curly hair with white ears, which adds to the artist's unique artistic temperament, and he can't see the old and sparse old man at all. When the reporter recalled his teacher Liu Bingheng, he was full of affection. He introduced that Mr. Liu Bingheng was born in Panyu, Guangdong in 1915 and was a member of the Guangdong Traditional Painting Research Association. In his early years, he studied painting with Pan Zhizhong, Zhang Guchu, Yao Lixiu and other painters from the Guangdong Chinese Painting Research Society. His paintings are good at characters, flowers, birds, beasts, insects and fish, and he is especially good at landscapes.
For example, the ink painting "Lanting Elegant Collection" is refined and elegant. At the age of eighteen, he entered the Guangzhou City Academy of Fine Arts to study art. During the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Bingheng and a group of students generously donated money to Nanyang during the Anti-Japanese War. All the proceeds were donated to the Anti-Japanese and National Salvation. The war spread to Southeast Asia. He came back and moved to Hong Kong. Speaking of which, Dr. Ma Chengkuan's eyes were filled with tears. He wiped a few times with tissues, and after slightly calming his emotions, he continued. After the founding of New China, his teacher lived in Hong Kong, concentrated on literature and art, and devoted himself to landscape research. Later, he taught in schools such as the University of Hong Kong and the IWC, and his disciples amounted to more than 1,000. He had a great influence in Hong Kong. He lived in the United States in 1996 and died in 2003.

The deep relationship between Dr. Ma Chengkuan and his teacher is because he and his teacher are in the same country, and he has been studying painting with his teacher in Shatian, Hong Kong since 1965, and lived with them for eight years. Ma Chengkuan believes that the standards of painters in Chinese traditional culture are very strict. Only poetry, calligraphy, and painting must be the best. Painter Liu is a pure traditional painter who equips each painting with poetry and writing. "Teacher Liu is good at vocabulary and calligraphy. The calligraphy is elegant and humane, reflecting the profound cultural culture.





Liu Bingheng (1915-2003), Zi Pingzhi, from Panyu, Guangdong Province, graduated from Guangzhou Municipal Art School. Chinese painter and artist in the United States. He was a later member of the Guangdong Chinese Painting Research Society Liu Bingheng (1915-2003) and a later member of the Guangdong Chinese Painting Research Society.PaintingsHe is flat, born in Panyu, Guangdong, and graduated from Guangzhou Municipal Art School. As for his role in the Guangdong Traditional Painting Research Society, few people seem to know it; as for his position in the history of modern Cantonese painting, there is not enough knowledge in academia. The author occasionally saw his masterpieces in the auction, but he knows very little about his art. Recently, his family and disciples donated their paintings and calligraphy works to the Guangdong Provincial Museum, and Yu participated in his work to gain an understanding of his life and the outline of his art. [1]Liu Bingheng is a very traditional painter with a family history. His ancestral home was in the southwestern city of Jiangxi. His grandfather hired Zhai Taishi to go to Guangdong to serve as the governor of Qiongzhou, Guangdong. My grandfather had two sons, his eldest son was not known, and he lived in Shanghai for painting and calligraphy; his second son, Liu Yi, was a tester and married the elder sister of Taishi Dingren, and then borrowed from Panyu. Liu Yiyu has five sons, the eldest son Liu Qingsong, the word hired Sun, the number is Liuan, also known as Liugong, Ping Seng, and is longer than the seal, and is also called "Shuangjie" with Huang Shiling. His disciples Shi Jianru, Hu Yisheng, Chen Xiezhi, Shen Yangong, Xie Yingbo , Du Zhipao, He Xiufeng, Zhang Zhentu, Ling Juchuan are all celebrities in modern calligraphy and painting or academia, such as "Yiyinzhai Seal Carving", "Mincer Collection" and "Haishu Collection"; the five son Liu Qinghua is the father of Liu Bingheng, He graduated from the Guangxi Dialect School and served as a professor at the Law and Political College. Brother Liu Bingheng Liu Yulin followed Deng Ergao's calligraphy and seal cutting, and he often participated in various calligraphy and painting collections in Guangzhou at that time with his father, and asked the Guangdong Chinese Painting Research Association for help.劉秉衡(1915—2003年),字平之,廣東番禺人,廣州市立美術學校畢業。中國畫畫家,旅美美術家。他是廣東國畫研究會中的較為後期的成員劉秉衡(1915—2003年)是廣東國畫研究會中的較為後期的成員。畫作他字平之,廣東番禺人,廣州市立美術學校畢業。關於他在廣東國畫研究會中的角色,知之者似乎並不多;至於他在近現代廣東繪畫史上的地位,學術界也未有足夠的認識。筆者偶有在拍場上見其佳作,但對其藝術亦知之甚少。近有其家屬及弟子向廣東省博物館慨捐其書畫作品,余參與其事,得以了解其生平及其藝術概略。[1]劉秉衡是一個非常傳統的畫家,家學淵源。祖籍江西南城,祖父聘齋太史赴粵任廣東瓊州知府。祖父育有二子,長子佚其名,曾長居上海以書畫為業;次子劉彝,鄉試舉人,娶太史丁仁長之姊,遂落藉番禺。劉彝育有五子,長子劉慶菘,字聘孫,號留庵,又號留公、萍僧,長於篆刻,與黃士陵並稱「雙傑」,其弟子史堅如、胡毅生、陳協之、沈演公、謝英伯、杜之杕、何秀峰、張震圖、凌巨川等都是近代廣東書畫或學界名流,有《藝隱齋篆刻》、《明瑟集》、《海漚集》行世;五子劉慶華即劉秉衡父親,系兩廣方言學校畢業,任法政專門學校教授。劉秉衡伯兄劉玉林則師從鄧爾疋習書法、篆刻,而他自己則隨父親經常參與當時在廣州地區的各類書畫雅集,並向廣東國畫研究會的耆宿請益。

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