Abstract ink painter: Li Hou


Li Hou, the word Xiaosun. Born in Shanghai Shuxiangmen in 1938, he studied Chinese painting and calligraphy with his grandmother Tan Zhixiao (the niece of Tan Sitong, a celebrity of the late 100th century Qing Dynasty) and his father Li Da (No Wuwu) since childhood. His traditional ink paintings have achieved success, but Li Hou did not stop there. He believes that Chinese traditional ink painting should have the spirit of the times in the new era, so he is obsessed with modern ink painting creation, and his breakthrough was very striking among the painters at that time.

Since the 1980s, Li Hou has been known at home and abroad. In 1990 he first visited Germany, transferred to the United States, and then returned to China, cruising between East and West for more than 20 years. He described himself as "the art of painting that I have seen and heard, the changes brought to him are beyond words", and he once used "the brush and ink to travel freely in the world" to summarize his works. In fact, Li Hou is one of the artists dedicated to the exploration of new ink and wash after China's reform and opening up. His work combines the elements of traditional brush and ink into a modern abstract form, which is broad and powerful, expressing his unique inner world. In addition to ink painting, Li Hou also devoted himself to calligraphy practice, and gained the charm of Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties.

There are countless exhibitions of Li Hou's works, which have been exhibited in Hong Kong Art Center, Shanghai Art Museum, Germany, and the United States. He currently lives in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. He spends half his time in the United States and half of his time in Shanghai. He listens to jazz, writes Huang Ting, and feels at ease.








Li Hou, the word Xiaosun. Born in Shanghai Shuxiangmen in 1938, he studied Chinese painting and calligraphy with his grandmother Tan Zhixiao (the niece of Tan Sitong, a celebrity of the late 100th century Qing Dynasty) and his father Li Da (No Wuwu) since childhood. His traditional ink paintings have achieved success, but Li Hou did not stop there. He believes that Chinese traditional ink painting should have the spirit of the times in the new era, so he is obsessed with modern ink painting creation, and his breakthrough was very striking among the painters at that time.Since the 1980s, Li Hou has been known at home and abroad. In 1990 he first visited Germany, transferred to the United States, and then returned to China, cruising between East and West for more than 20 years. He described himself as "the art of painting that I have seen and heard, the changes brought to him are beyond words", and he once used "the brush and ink to travel freely in the world" to summarize his works. In fact, Li Hou is one of the artists dedicated to the exploration of new ink and wash after China's reform and opening up. His work combines the elements of traditional brush and ink into a modern abstract form, which is broad and powerful, expressing his unique inner world. In addition to ink painting, Li Hou also devoted himself to calligraphy practice, and gained the charm of Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties.There are countless exhibitions of Li Hou's works, which have been exhibited in Hong Kong Art Center, Shanghai Art Museum, Germany, and the United States. He currently lives in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts in the United States. He spends half his time in the United States and half of his time in Shanghai. He listens to jazz, writes Huang Ting, and feels at ease.李厚,字霄孫。1938年出身於上海書香門第,自幼隨祖母譚志霄(清末百日維新名人譚嗣同之侄女)、以及父親李達(號無我)研習中國書畫;少年時拜油畫大師顏文樑門下學習西畫;70年代其傳統水墨之作已見成就,但李厚沒有就此止步,認為中國傳統水墨在新時代應有時代精神,遂醉心於現代水墨創作,其突破於當時芸芸水墨畫者中甚爲觸目。80年代以來,李厚已聞名於海內外。1990年他首訪德國,轉至美國,再回到中國,游弋在東西方之間逾20年。他形容自己「所見所聞之繪畫藝術,給自己帶來的變化難以言表」,亦曾用「筆墨隨心意,暢游天地間」來概括自己的作品。事實上,李厚是中國改革開放後致力新水墨探索的藝術家之一,其作品以深厚傳統筆墨元素匯成現代的抽象形式,氣勢開闊,筆意雄厚,表達了他獨特的內心世界。除了水墨畫外,李厚亦潛心書法修煉,得魏晉隋唐之韻。李厚作品展覽無數,曾在香港藝術中心、上海美術館、德國、美國等多地展出。目前旅居美國麻省波士頓市郊的他,一半時間在美國、一半時間在上海,聽爵士,寫黃庭,自在逍遙。

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