水彩 +

沈平-資深水彩畫大師 |
本文原刊於《Modern Home 摩登家庭》2018年2月號
Ping Shen has lived in Hong Kong for 37 years. He has been active in the painting world. As the vice chairman of the Hong Kong Painters Association, he teaches and creates. Last time I first saw his solo exhibition of watercolors, I saw a big difference. I went around the gallery a few times and repeated the exhibits, and found that he was not only good at watercolor, but also good at prints, ink, and maybe oil paintings. Such a versatile painter should look at it differently, and it is not appropriate to view it in general.
I take a closer look at his background and growing up, and I understand the transcendence of his watercolor landscape paintings. He was born in Beijing but grew up in Shanghai. At the age of 16, he responded to the national call and went to Xinjiang to join the Corps and was arranged to be an artist. The Corps emphasizes discipline and orders must not be violated. At that time, he was instructed to paint New Year pictures, propaganda pictures, prints, ink paintings, sketches and so on. In the great era of the "Cultural Revolution", the whole country has changed dramatically. Non-free creation is undoubtedly exercise and practice. At that time, many art teachers were exiled to work in the countryside. Later, when the Cultural Revolution ended, the teachers returned from the Niupeng Cadet School. They wished to impart all their skills to Shen Ping and other painters. The Cultural Revolution undoubtedly hurt many artists at the time, but the painting career of the Xinjiang Corps seemed to be beneficial to Shen Ping, and he was able to lay a solid foundation for painting.
Shen Ping has lived in Xinjiang for 17 years. It can be said that he is in the golden age of artistic life. Under the atmosphere of that era, he deeply felt the land of Xinjiang and discovered the beauty of the world and the people. Therefore, his painting of Xinjiang's land scenery has multiple meanings, not only expressing gratitude to the land, the country and the people, but also inheriting and exerting the painting skills of the teachers.

沈平 (Ping Shen)在香港生活了37年,活躍畫壇,當香港畫家聯會副主席,既教學,又創作。上回我初看他個展水彩畫,卻看到大不同。我在畫廊繞幾圈,重複看展品,發現他原來不只擅長水彩,還精於版畫、水墨,可能油畫也不弱。這樣多才畫家要另眼相看,不宜以一般視之。







by  https://hkartion.com/2018/10/08/veteran-watercolor-artist-shen-ping/by  https://www.master-insight.com/  by  撰文:葉芷樺   圖片:一新美術館提供


Ping Shen has lived in Hong Kong for 37 years. He has been active in the painting world. As the vice chairman of the Hong Kong Painters Association, he teaches and creates. Last time I first saw his solo exhibition of watercolors, I saw a big difference. I went around the gallery a few times and repeated the exhibits, and found that he was not only good at watercolor, but also good at prints, ink, and maybe oil paintings. Such a versatile painter should look at it differently, and it is not appropriate to view it in general.

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