Au Yeung Nai Chim

Au Yeung Nai Chim (1931 - present)
Au Yeung Nai Chim as a famous artist in Hong Kong.
歐陽乃霑 (1931年-)是香港著名畫家。

Au Yeung Nai Chim (1931-present)
Au Yeung Nai Chim as a famous artist in Hong Kong. He often contributes to oil canvas, watercolor and prints-painting for publication and exhibition. He recently focuses on watercolor and Chinese ink wash creative artwork. With the perseverance and passion in life drawing, his footsteps have lied all over the world. His collections of street views, villages sceneries and fishing ports have demonstrated an excellence in acute observations, bringing all the artwork to life, which are visually delightful.

歐陽乃霑 (1931年-)是香港著名畫家。常以油畫、水彩畫及版畫發表及展出;近年則集中於水彩畫及水墨創作。他是香港本土有卓越成就的畫家之一。他堅持寫生,足跡遍及港九新界至大江南北,其作品喜以漁港、街景及鄉村小景為題,以敏銳的觀察力擅於把香港歷史建築及街頭巷尾入畫。






Au Yeung Nai Chim(歐陽乃霑)
Au Yeung Nai Chim (1931 - present)Au Yeung Nai Chim as a famous artist in Hong Kong.歐陽乃霑 (1931年-)是香港著名畫家。

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